University of Reading's Typography and Graphic Communication department host a degree show for their graduates every year. For the year I graduated, I was a part of the team of designers whom were selected to bring the degree show to life, from the name and branding, right down to the guest list and finer details of the day. I acted as project manager which meant ensuring everything ran smoothly and we were on track as we were working towards multiple deadlines for different deliverables. As well as this, I helped create the branding, and took on the tasks of designing the website and digital invitations.
Digital Invitations
I used Mailchimp to create 3 invitations, with differing information to be sent at different times. I was the copywriter and went through multiple iterations of both text and design to finally land on these below. It required coding to be done to ensure the most effective design that aligned with the braining we had created was created.

Visit the Emergence Degree Show 2024 website here: https://emergence.design
Take a look at the blog post written about this project that goes into further detail about every aspect: https://typography.network/2024/05/28/emergence-typography-degree-show-2024/